Every year in December, the Klein Oak HS music department plays a holiday tour of local elementary schools. Yesterday the KOHS Wind Ensemble dressed up in Christmas clothes (or in some cases, pajamas) and played at several local schools and the school district head office. Since Cody is plays percussion in Wind Ensemble, here are some pictures of him. (Photo credits to Priscilla Shontz at Scatterlight Photography.)


You’ll see Cody playing slap-sticks during Sleigh Bells in a couple of the images above. Since it isn’t really Christmas without Sleigh Bells, here is a video of that song, from another school. For this performance, Cody hid in the audience and when the time came to play, he stood up and cracked the sticks together. You can see the band director, Mr. Clearwater, turn and look around and bust out laughing, as do the school children. Later in the song, after Cody had returned to his station in the band, Mr. Clearwater again told him to go out into the audience and play his parts. The kids all loved it. It was a nice wrap-up for this Christmas concert.